What Makes Me HaPPy!!

Thursday, December 04, 2008


I went past starbuck just now during break. N saw alot of ppl queuing for the line. I was wondering what happened only later to find out that for today, those ppl who donate at starbucks for salvation army will get free coffee. N so... many ppl go n line up. So i told my colleague that confirm ppl will just give little amt like $1 or few bucks n wants to enjoy free coffee. She says think they won't do that la. But i just feel they will. What else will get them lining up n getting so excited? Charity? nah.. no way. Had a talk with my boss this afternoon n she said some nasty things to me. But i've just had another thinking. I will stay on n see what God will do for me here. I wana catch what He has in store for me! :> It's ok, treat me badly, fasely accuse me. I will still get my promise! Amen!

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