What Makes Me HaPPy!!

Monday, January 25, 2010


This is the first entry for my blog in 2010! haha.. Although it's like super late but... i'm gona blog anyway!. Lost my voice totally since sat after opm on fri nite. It's an agony not being able to talk! Plus, i'm not very int in singing ah du's song. hee.. Stayed at home for 48 hrs just totrest, decided that it's ok for me to sneak out and have some fun today! hahaha... This yr began with lots of things happening. My eldest bro was hospitalised for 6days due to lungs infection. Prevailing fever was the main concern. Praise God, his fever has subsided and was discharged since yest. The truama is not that alone. It's abt my family's bond. Bcos of his hospitalisation, my parents have been very tired and arguing pretty alot. There wasn't much peace at home. But i'm glad that it's all over now. :) I rem one thing suddenly, that God did not promise a life that's smooth sailing but He did promise that He'll walk thru with us. N there's nothing He cannot do and there's nothing He will not do for us! Amen! To me, jan is always a month of trials and testing. Bcos this is the month to set the foundation for this yr! I believe this yr, i will grow stronger in my faith in You.

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